i guess i should introduce myself....

aaaaaaaand HERE WE GO


Psi Chick.

Are you new to the internet?

5 Stars + :tup:

Nice car.






fine then screw you all :slight_smile:

I suppose the jeep “could” count as boxy hotness. Quite the speedy neon.

Ahoy there. :wave:


Welcome :leghump:

thats a purrtty kwik neooonn

link to myspace?

link to myspace!

you guys are quick lol

Friend request incoming when i get home from work.

Dumbest fucking graph ever. I like how you create an astronomical amount of power with no increase in torque


^^^^ dumbest fucking person ever.

i didn’t make that, and if you had half a brain you would realize that it’s about vtec and it’s complete failure of creating any tourque at all.

pardon my ability to notice “vtak” jokes. it clutters your myspace profile and it should be private so I cannot view fat pictures



At least I have respect for your car so you only suck 80% in my mind

^ burn

why do you think i really care? you have so little intelligence that you can’t even understand a simple joke so you call me fat as a come back to make yourself feel better. wow what a guy. your boyfriend sure is lucky to have you.