So I decided to say hi!

I guess I might as well say hi, seeing most of you have seen part of me already lol, ( im over it) I’m Allison, lis9400 on Roclife and Rocstarz.(im from Rochester) Drive a 1998 Mitsu Eclipse Sypder GS. ( im not sure for how much longer) Ive been reading for a while, never really posted much. . . NO LEGHUMPING PLEASE!…tRLFDBA2Go68GW <— Pictures.

welcome, enjoy the board


welcome aboard lis.

We saw part of you?

Welcome. :wave:

I must have missed something :sad2:

Allison! ::hugs::

lol dont worry about it than. Its in the PAST and that is where it is staying. You didnt miss anything good dont worry.

Joanna!!! :hugs:

Nice ride:)

hey now. my hair is darker and a lil shorter…and god does that make me look tall.

I like your vert better than that CF hooded 2nd gen

yeah me 2. he used to live up here but moved outta state.

welcome aboard allison!

HEYYYYYYY how are you?!?!?


welcome :wave:

Hi Allison!

P.S. I should smack you for sitting on the hood of your car. You could have scratched it! (J/K)

nice car, is it auto? :tup: to girls who are into cars

enjoy your stay

welcome, nice car chica :tup:

bonjour mon cher, bienvenue au conseil! :wave:

there were no buttons or anything like that on those jeans so I wasnt worried about it.

And No its not NOT an auto.

Bonjour…como cava?