I have park place!! Boardwalk and the million is ours!!

Okay I have Park Place and all I need is the Boardwalk. Apparently Park Place is the harder of the two to track down. If anybody has it and want’s to come forward with it… we can split it 50-50 and walk away with some cash. So buy some fries, or a large drink and get some monopoly stickers!

boardwalk is by far the hardest to track down

and by the hardest, i mean theres only one in the entire U.S.

we better get on this then

do you know the odds… on this…

cause the railroads are 5 million bucks…

i’m thinking its like… 1: 1000000 for boardwalk

and for the railroads its like 1: 50000 for short line…
and like 1:100 for the others

making the odds 1: 5000000 to find them both… i feel like such a geek for wanting to know the odds of this lol

someone has to win


odds of winning the 50,000 prize is 1:19 million fuck that… thats totally not worth the effort…(edit: this is the instant win odds, oops)

looking for the 5 million odds

ew do i have to eat the fries or can i spit them out.

:mamoru: That amused me

Why doesn’t someone make a thread and post what they have?Not saying you’ll win the big prizes but who knows.Might win a few small ones tho.

I have 3 of the 4 railroads :slight_smile:

that doesn’t help… what ones??

i have the following…

B&O Railroad
States Ave
1 bestbuy buck,
marvin gardens
connecticut ave

i loved this game years ago… too bad it’s at mcdonalds though. i refuse to eat there. :frowning:

I eat there as much as anyone, and have yet to win anything but some free fries :frowning: I figure lunch for the last 15 years, at least times 250 a year, @ $5 I’ve spent just shy of about $19K at McDonalds :lol: and I’m still not dead.



lesse here
7 best buy bucks total
oriental ave for $500
baltic for $50
Park place for 1 mil
North carolina and Pacific for $50k
Atlantic for $10k
2 st.charles place for $1k
2 b and o railroads and 1 Penn railroad for 5 mil. I have three but 2 are the same damn it.

i have , b and o railroad , reading railroad , and pennsylvania , anyone got shortline?

I got boardwalk who has park place :wink:

if your serious, i have park place.



because i have boardwalk. any offers?