I joined a dating website and started talking to Travis

WHAT?! lol The way I popped my prosthetics off and we all did shots out of them??? Haha… those shots tasted good, but it could have just been cuz they were FREE cuz he thought we were the shit. lmao

Honestly Dread… I know you don’t like me, but whatever… I didn’t create this thread, someone took something I posted about he and I having met on a dating site and posted a new thread. I did NOT attack him in the post. HOWEVER, I did start to talk crap to him after he decided to run his mouth about how I was just trying to get with him a few days ago… sorry, I’ll admit to chatting with him and entertaining the idea of mayyyybe hanging out with him. But I blocked and deleted him from my AIM buddy list before I joined, he realized who I was after I joined and pointed it out. He ran his mouth first, I just stuck up for myself.