Ban the new name… eventually he’ll run out of e-mails. shrugs lol
they could just ban his IP addy…
Huh… good idea. Didn’t realize they could do something like that. I thought your IP address was private.
wow… i knew he was LOW but really? that’s FUCKED up. Marissa is a WICKED good sport about everything and she’s COMPLETELY honest about it all. I will 110% vouch for EVERYTHING she says and does.
i would say permaban too but I know he will just make a new name. He’s a douche like that.
Marissa, just think… he really believes that shit bothers you! wanna share the story of my bday last year? lol the shots LOL oh man what fun we have!
I know other sites that do it…
I dont think he deserves the permaban, somebody else started a thread attacking him and then basically everyone ganged up on him. If I was in his shoes Id probably find myself saying some pretty fucked up things to try and protect myself too.
WHAT?! lol The way I popped my prosthetics off and we all did shots out of them??? Haha… those shots tasted good, but it could have just been cuz they were FREE cuz he thought we were the shit. lmao
Honestly Dread… I know you don’t like me, but whatever… I didn’t create this thread, someone took something I posted about he and I having met on a dating site and posted a new thread. I did NOT attack him in the post. HOWEVER, I did start to talk crap to him after he decided to run his mouth about how I was just trying to get with him a few days ago… sorry, I’ll admit to chatting with him and entertaining the idea of mayyyybe hanging out with him. But I blocked and deleted him from my AIM buddy list before I joined, he realized who I was after I joined and pointed it out. He ran his mouth first, I just stuck up for myself.
they were EXCELLENT shots!! hahahahaha we doing it again this year? I got some extra bday money LET’S GO… lol
so is that lock three now?
HELL YEAH!!! We going to the same Chili’s??? lol Maybe the same bartender will be there. hahahhaha:lol
nah we’re going to Elbo Room like we do every year for my favorite drink then to Wolff’s bier garten. It’s going to be NUTS. lol
Think I can get the “magnum” line again??? LMAO
make that 4…
miss you ho!! :hug
EPIC WIN ! rep !! rofl
fittttttttty :lol
thats my uncles mother fucker
- 1 !!! :thumbup
hahaha i gotta say + 1 billion
i’ll dance with your girls, lets go ! wait actually the way pics on this forum have been going, i’ll need to see them first before committing to any dances
- 1 on the huuuuuuuuge tits and nice ass
i like sluts still, steer them my way when u get tired of them, since every girl is a slut lying whore, i’ll be pretty busy !
:rofl uh no
ya but its pointless for us to do it, he can unplug the modem for 8-12 hours and be assigned a new address from RR
ip banning is only semi affective for static ip’s like road runner gives out but they can change after they expire , by unplugging the modem, and a new lease for a new ip is given
Everyone loves hoppers- especially pink ones :thump
Nice. Lock three it is. Putting this thread to rest…
Dread, Travis started this whole thing. He wasn’t being attacked, he was being moronic and it once again got out of hand.
Whatever Travis has in the way of a hard time he fully deserves based on what he’s done in the past.