I joined a dating website and started talking to Travis

And I’m sorry… but I had to point out. Cuz the FUNNIEST part about this, is that he posted this picture in an attempt to hurt my feelings, or get you guys to dislike me even more than some of you already do.

Guess what though scumbag. I’m sitting over hear :hahalol’ing at you like you wouldn’t believe. FAIL AGAIN… I have to congratulate you though. You’re the only person I’ve ever met who fails as often in his online life as he does in his real one.


Agreed 100 percent

Really Trav? Really?

Fuck it… let him say whatever he wants. It doesn’t bother me, he’ll pay for it later though I’m sure. Karma is a funny funny thing. :slight_smile:

you know what thats been said on this site possibly 10,000 times… about him…


the new girl is talking about her tits

travis is causing a ruckus

pretty entertaining

lock 1

no, let it go. Its mildly entertaining

Where have you been? That was LAST night.

And I’m more concerned with the fact that there are people on this site that TRULY believe that there are no women getting hurt or dying in combat oversea’s. You should tell that to Samantha Huff’s mother and father. I’m sure they’d love to hear that, since they lost her in May 05’ right before I deployed. If you’d like… I’ll bring you to her grave in Arlington.

After finding out the real story, thats fucking despicable of travis. There is joking, and there is taking it to far. Way over that boundry

No biggie… he saved me the trouble of having to explain it to people later when they ended up finding out after seeing me in some news article or some crap. shrugs

Thanks for sticking up for me though. :slight_smile:

I banned his AutoOutCast username till after xmas. That shit doesn’t fly with me.

I wish someone had the power to ban him from life

+1 purmaban

seriously how many temporary bans does it take to get forever banned

I wish you hadn’t banned him… he really didn’t do anything. His picture that he posted didn’t bother me in the least. I got a chuckle out of it because as much as he WANTED it to bother me, it didn’t… so once again, he failed at life.

If you guys were gonna ban him, I can’t figure out why in the hell you wouldn’t have banned him a LONG effing time ago seeing as you all KNOW he’s a scam artist. :-\

^hmmm… 3rd times the charm?

you do know its perfectly acceptable to saying fucking here, right?

Can a mod do their job and lock this? okthxbye

Haha… sorry. It’s habit sometimes to type (or say) effing instead of fucking. Just depends on my mood. :slight_smile:

Lock 2

This shit isnt fun anymore

That pathetic piece of shit needs to be strapped to a tree in a forest covered in honey.

and then a plane spreads some napalm over said forest.

banned for a month, no permaban because he’d just make a new name. pointless.