haha :lol
Give it a fucking minute… its rendering. Stupid thing.
Alright it works now
wheres the hung-down shaking head smiley?
lol did it work?
haha oh man
I don’t know Travis personally, and I meant no harm by making that. That’s just shit from what I have gathered from browsing this forum.
Constructive criticizm. I’ll take it down if Travis wants, and I encourage Travis to make one about me.
I was in full support of this thread until the “aw shucks” post above. ^^
hahhaa thats feekin sweet
Don’t you have a BMW to rice out?
ROFLOMG…thats awesome!
More to come… tis a first in the shift518 series
I supported this thread till Jesse posted
omg i cried i was laughing so hard
I still support this thread but Sean sucks
wow that one was awesome. “FU I got a fundraiser and I’m a better gambler than you” omg rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl