WTF!?!? stop with the damn post matching bullshit, do u two sit on the couch and swap the laptop back and forth? loggin in and out of each others name? god its getting annoyin
no its a swivle stand!
i brown eyed fucked them both
ew just :lockd: it now!
ur next
noo lube for you!!
i was thinking this about the whole football game thread… both of them were posting but yet taking pics of each other in the same room. WTF…
pittspeed + hanging with g/f = gayness.
the sex only last for 2minutes, whatelse they gonna do the rest of the night?
i think this thread may be breaking the rules.
wat rules? no family is being brought into this, and this is all just in fun and games
well im refering to the mid game rules, you know the ones that change during the process of the game, and always in favor of the guy who’s getting beats best bum chum.
justin quit your fucking crying you little homo…you think you have it bad with what your dad does to you??? when im finished with you youll be begging to go back into your basement with the spider biatch!!!
yep the one that you like to take the top off of and sit on every night you dirty grundle (do you need me to explaine what that is again or are you ok with this term now?)
watch brian beat up burnyd???
:crying: my eye still hurts
for me??
must be thinking of your activities
it takes me more than two minutes to get up the stairs and into the bedroom.
i need an explaination of grunddle, lol, wtf is it? i wasnt at wing night… i figured Burnyd would “Accidently” dump hot sauce on me and take a bite.