
ok, most of the posts are about people complaining about how different it is and how the OS is a resource hog. yes it is different but so was XP and now all you are saying its such a great OS when at first im sure you were saying the same shit you are now. yes its prettier so yes that part of the OS is going to use more mem. but you also have to look at the task manager and see how much extra crap vista has running compared to those other versions, 98 had a whole of 8 programs running after a clean install, Vista has more then 20. there is alot more to it then just what it looks like and its stupid compatibility issues, and yes im just as annoyed at the things that they took out of vista and the programs the dont work on it.

anyways it comes down to this, people just want something to complain about and this is the latest thing.
if you dont like it dont use it, if you do then more power to ya for making it work