I LOVE VISTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

windows vista = :gay

no vista = :gay :gay :gay :gay :gay :gay :gay cant switch to xp ive tried.

its you lmao

you people really amaze me, why do you all go around saying u cant switch to XP from a vista pc LOL

its software for christ sakes

im on XP right now, i have a triple boot with linux, XP, and Vista, 64 bit and 32 bit and all that sexy shit…

I put dual boot configs on stupid n00b prebuilt pc’s that came with vista home or something gh3y liek that a ton of times…

i dont see , during any point of the process, where its hard…to put xp on…

my dads a software engineer. 30 years exp. my new laptop. does not and will not support xp SP 2 or 3 in any way shape or form.

i’ll bet money it will run XP, nothing personal at all

(is it a dell? )

I’ve had 0 problems with Vista. Knock on wood :ninja

Laptop Gateway ML6721 But far from factory specs. spent all my christmas omney on upgrades, plus some things here and there.it wont run it even 42% and dont say it will to be all tough.this isnt directed at you, at all, just making the point. ive never seen.heard of it done on my platform as of today 7/22

just not user friendly, i HATE all the popups needing comfirmation on everything. just f***ing do it and dont ask. currently have vista extreme installed. and ill have XP SP 3 (yes 3, i have it) over vista anyday

Brand new Toshiba laptop here… the Vista lasted about 3 weeks until I got fed up with it. Currently running XP SP2


Linux owsn you all ;D

disable the UAC, and disable the popup notifications about UAC being off… and you will never get another popup asking you to confirm anything like that again :gay

Vista is fine, and very user friendly but the way it comes out the box is kinda silly

BUT also I dont have any sympathy for anyone telling me that they are so good with pc’s and just to find out they cant figure out the basics.

in my opinion windows was designed, as with nearly all mainstreamed software, to be damn easy to figure out… and it is , i dont know what else they can do… everyone wants more and more features, then they give up and cry about it when they have to learn something new

either way its just like xp, came out, so many people talking shit, now look at all you, using xp…

Linux is awesome i have it, but never use it, we all know why so its not worth getting into

either way im still certin I’ll get windows xp on that puppy WITH directx 10, IE 7, Sp3, disabled secuirty services for firewall, defender, auto updates etc

I just am very sure, I installed XP and vista dual boot on a dell “that couldnt be downgraded to xp” i really didnt even see where the problem was… i must of missed it

found a good link

Myth #5: You can’t dual boot Vista with another operating system

One of the strangest and most inaccurate statements I heard was that “With Vista, you can’t run two operating systems on the same computer like you could in the past.” That’s news to me, as I’m currently running two computers that dual boot Vista and XP. As with previous versions, a boot menu is displayed when the computer starts, and you can choose either Vista or Previous version of Windows.

Now, it is true that for some reason, on the Boot tab of the System Configuration Utility in Vista, only the Vista operating system shows up even though I can boot into XP from the boot menu. As with XP, the System Configuration Utility is accessed by typing msconfigat the command line. Figure B shows the tool.

Figure B

You can dual boot Vista with another OS, but the other OS doesn’t show up in the Boot tab of the System Configuration Utility.

You may also notice that the old boot.ini file, which was used to edit the boot configuration information in Windows NT, 2000, and XP, is missing. Now the boot options are stored in the Boot Configuration Data (BCD) store, and the system is started by the Windows Boot Manager. You use a tool called Bcdedit.exe to change the boot information.

Source: http://articles.techrepublic.com.com/5100-10878_11-6156413.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=tr


you know why no one knows what the fuck is going on? because all you need it a nerdy friend like you singh. I dont need to know dick about comps, ill just make you come fix it when i have a problem. :nod

me and singh pwn all

and Jeff, i bet i could get XP on your comp

I’m running Vista and Ubuntu (with Compiz Fuzion) dual boot on my main PC and XP on my other computers.

Vista is good after you tweak it enough.


  1. Like Singh said turn off the UAC.
  2. Disable the Side Bar
  3. Turn off Welcome Center
  4. Convert to classic view

Here just follow this link and Vista will become what you’re used to seeing in the past operating sytems as well as make your computer faster.


Windows Vista is amazing especially if you consider the underlying architecture. Aside from the new features, the new UX really completes the OS at least until this point.

I have used Vista Business X64/Vista Home X86 w/ MCE w/o SP1 without any issues whatsoever. Completely rock solid and I stress my machines being an engineer.

With that said, I use Virtual PC 2007 and run an assortment of OS from XP->Windows Server 2003->Vista without problems. I take care of my machines though but I am a user like anyone else.

Oh yeah? I know so little about computers I have Vista and dont even know what sucks about it. So there.

if you have ever tried sharing a folder on a network the new vista system is far from easy. aparantly i dont own any folder in my computer. ive shut off all the noob bullshit but the ownership stuff is annoying.

theres no way to select i want to own my whole fucking computer because im the only one using the whole fucking computer. took me forever to figure out how to share one folder. xp seems to be a lot more user friendly with networking.

its funny how the computers of today are 10x faster than those of not too long ago. and yet they arent any faster to boot up or run normal applications.


Software is more demanding.

Also, maintaining UI ease and the amount of functionality that Vista offers is an inverse relationship. It’s like saying a NASA cockpit should have a steering wheel and a few gauges. It’s only going to get worse over time.

People just think they can up and use a new OS without any learning curve. Just not going to happen.