I LOVE VISTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, a lot changed in vista, but ocne you get used to it you realize a lot of things they did were better and its easier to manouver around the OS. Granted me and a lot of other ppl I know think Vista is like mellinium, its just a “test” for windows 7

But agreed a lot of ppl cant exspect to move to a new OS and exspect everything to work the same, its kinda like me and linux, I used to hate linux, took me forever to do anything, i just dident wanna learn it, now Linux is my primary OS and I love it.

cocky much? AMD IS THE BEST is a computer whiz/electronics master


Has software even been out for 30 years?

dont you question me boy, do research

Apreantly not if he thinks AMD IS THE BEST lol, j/p

I used to be a big AMD fan, but when Core 2’s came out they pretty much punched amd in the vag

you keep your vista and pentiums… core 2 duo is good for a laptop where space is limited… my desktop will keep the AMD. thank you.

edit… 30 years ago… computers were like 10’ by 10’ he said software, not mirco processor engineer

i did research…

Keyword entered: Hooked On 240

Results found:http://smiliesftw.com/x/krpito.gif


that was the other result i found

haha 10’ by 10’ was like a laptop… desktops were the size of a house… its crazy how far weve come in such a short time

anyone here read the article from a Intel Rep about how they belive that we have reached the Size limits of a processor, and now its comming down to … not how small and compact you can make it/fit more transisotrs… but how you can get more performance out of the transistors inside the processor. Shits crazy

AMD is trying to get their asses back up but the Core 2’s really kicked them in the nuts, they O/C 10x what the AMD’s do… you can overclock a Core 2 6550 to 3.0ghz on a stock fan… and with an aftermarket like a Zalman 9500 you can O/C them to 3.4 and a few have gone even more than that without liquid cooling

Mac OS X>* ;D

nerd alert, nerd alert…

i know amd is slacking, i know. but i tell ya, my dad builds it for me, it works, i dont ask questions. he has talked about going to a pentium dual core for the purpose it is infact a better processor.

haha Yeah, I’ve been messing with comps since I was liek 6, but i dont wear pocket protectors or big glasses, unless im staring in peolpes windows :wtf

i use my camera lense for that… :ninja

I like to get up close and personal :giggedy

Mac = :gay

I ROFL at this topic.

ML6720/21/25 will run XP without any issues whatsoever, it’s a standard (POS) Gateway. I’ve done it 10-15 times at work already. There isn’t a single machine on the market that I haven’t been able to convert to XP and install all drivers for. The biggest problem I have ever run into is the “beanbag emulation device” that will show up on some Media Center oriented PC’s. Fear not, simply opening the IRBUS Driver’s INF file in Notepad and adding the device ID proves to work fine.
AMD falls short in all catagories. They were an AWESOME budget chip back in the day, but there isn’t a giant price gap now like there used to be. No contest, CORE 2’s FTW!

As for switching to XP from Vista, I ask why? There isn’t a single (good) reason I can think of other than proprietary business software that you cannot afford to update! Even then, 90% of the software can be made to work by running it in Compatability mode w/UAC turned off.

That is all…

Oh, P.S. just to prove that it can be done (rather easily) http://wp.randyr.net/computers/downgrade-from-vista-to-xp-on-gateway-laptop.html someone already did the work for you. Sorry man, pops is wrong.


Anyone that kept up on Windows Updates has SP3 if they are running XP, it’s been out for a month or 2 now. It has made a couple machines BSOD in my experience, but nothing major. I would still pick Vista over XP any day. UAC is simple enough to turn off to stop annoying you, but leaving it enabled is recommended for security purposes.

Good post.
