I LOVE VISTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok heres my post

Yea, and everyone whining about Vista has no clue what you just said… but they know everything, go figure

I hope you were able to change the ownership of whatever folders/files all at once because its very easy… let me know if you need help with that , 2 seconds

Vista IMO is just as easy if not easier than Xp for networking, sounds like a dumb statement but i guess it had to be said

the thing about pc’s 10x faster etc goes hand in hand with newer functions and abilities and features and whatever the technical blabber is, today your doing a SHIT load more on your than 10 years ago
If you dont believe it, go take a pc 10 eyars ago, and run a normal application of today that “hasnt changed” and you’ll find out :smiley: software today demands sooo much more than yesterday

you have common sense, like I said before, everyone wants more and more and more , and then they dont want to learn… then they bitch cuz its different … shut up because your all gonna use it just like Xp

  • 1 :wtf can they expect ???

like K20 said lol his name isnt really helping AMD’s are great but these days they are behind and barecalona or w/e its called, has it ever came out? if it has… must of sucked… flagship cpu and i havent heard shit about it ?

my core 2 extreme QX9650 FTW im sorry its truth spoken :slight_smile:

MAC is great, dont know your talking about…

Thank you for googling that link ! I HATE that myth, “oh cant put xp on a new pc” GTFO its hardware holly shit no disrespect but damn dude are you kidding me?

there def was software 30 years ago, definitely , i wouldnt doubt his pops been in 30 years of experience, but the last few years, i think hes been slackin LOL

today you can go from a fuckin idiot to pc genius faster than swift is gonna get his civic to 60 mph, so dont tell me you have to be a nerd to know these things… i didnt own or have a pc in my poor ass house until i was 16, and some of you are just 17

Anyways bottom line…

XP is going on that laptop, quit whining :smiley:

why did you quote me then put that massive and disrespectful rant.

-you quoted me and in the same line put some of you are just 17. which i am not
-i said his father may be a software engineer and 30years ago computers were massive, you replied in what seems to be a statement looking like i said it was impossible for his father to be that experience.
-who is whining? i said you can keep the pentium dual cores and the Vista, i dont own a laptop anymore, but when i do again ill have no choice but to purchase one with vista at a minimum, but AMD processors for me.

this is your chance to clear up what you posted. do so

dude lol me and you really really have a communication problem or something we need to hang out i guess

1 the 17 year old thing was referring to some people on the forums here are still 17, I started using a pc at 16, so its just how i was comparing how 16 isnt that young compared to others here. YOU are not 17 , of course I know that.

2 nonono i really do believe he has 30 years of experiance, there is plenty of people like that, i was agreeing with you saying, there def was software back then, as supporting what you said cuz some others questioned software even being around then.

3 as far as who is whining, everyone/anyone who says vista sucks because most of the arguments are n00bish like "oh there is popups all over confirming this and that’ etc etc what you said about “keep your dual cores” etc did sound liek you thought pentiums were not as good as amd’s etc but thats your opinion, I just check the specs and benchmarks and compatibility before i make any choices

anyways whole time i typed that i wasnt thinking about you at all, just dont like people thinking they cant put xp on a new machine thats all.

nothing personal to hooked on 240 either hes a cool guy for sure

did you meet him? i’m not sure how you came to this conclusion. :lol

j/k j/k

he was at chill n grill

I am not really into OC’ing so I stick with AMD due to the cheaper prices. I haven’t bought a chip in 6 months so I am not sure what has changed. I do like AMD though.

my father just put together another AMD system im eager to try it out.
to singh yeah internet is tough to read people, but you quoted me, and then posted that rant under it.
ive used Vista and i dont like the way its setup, pop ups suck, XP does it as well, but turning that off is a non-issue. i just dont like the start menu, which i know you can do a traditional format on it, but i still just am not pleased with it. but its the same way XP was after windows 98 and windows 2000… XP caught a bad wrap by some early on, but everyone has grown to love the way XP operates…

the Pentium/centrino vs AMD vs MAC war is like the ford vs chevy vs dodge as much is the Linux vs XP/Vista… one does something better than the other and each has its following.

id like to thank the moderator who starts so many new threads with me as the creator, i always look like the bad guy. thanks Guy.

MAC processors are no longer around, they use intel ;D

thats right, i forgot about that… sell outs.

yea they are using intel but dont they run alot better ? (i imagine its a ton cheaper to do intel tho for them)

I’m not really into overclocking myself i mean if your gonna overclock you need to do it right or you wont see any real world performance, you have to have good hardware in the first place to overclock… the QX9650 overclocks extremely well, but then you really dont want to overclock it because how can you justify burning 1100 dollars if the thing dies ? I usually dont overclock new machines until a year later when they are total shit compared to what is out, then it really doesnt matter.
sometimes you’ll get liek 25 fps in a game, in that case overclocking is very needed jsut to get over that 30fps hump. for 3d mark overclocking does amazing things, i went from 14k mark in 06 to well over 20 or 22k marks… ridiculous

anyhow i just believe everyone will grow to love vista like you said about xp

BUT i still believe its setup really dumb out the box

Explain that?

I like vista, and i think everyone is gonna get used to it

but I think the way it comes out of the box, makes alot of people go WTF mostly with UAC

Dramatized Realization

Start -> Run -> CMD

C:\ …
C:\ Ping

Windows Pop up:

-Are you sure you want to run this command?

  • CMD.EXE is trying to access the internet… allow this program to acces the interenet?

-Letting this program access the internet may be harmful to your pc are you sure you want to continue

- is www.google.com ip address, google own all do you agree

At this point your so fed up you keep clicking yes untill…

-Microsoft has the best most stable operating system around do you agree

-We recomend that you format click OK to contine (no other options allowed

at this point you slam the keyboard and start shoving keys into every orpeus of your body then take your mouse cord wrap it around your neck and jerk off till you die

WARNING: Gross generalization follows

If you aren’t smart enough to figure out how to turn UAC off… guess what? You don’t belong turning it off. It has a purpose!

ANTIVIRUS 2008/WINANTI-VIR/FUNWEBPRODUCTS/SMILEYCENTRAL is trying to access the internet. Allow or Cancel?

I don’t understand why it’s such a big deal. It’s a feature that can be turned off. A google search shows how to do this in like a fraction of a second. It was added purposely to protect the people bitching. :tong

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I’ve never had a problem with Vista from a user standpoint, once they released SP1, the OS improved drastically. From a network admin standpoint…it sucks trying to mass deploy Vista to user PC’s…Sysprep is alot more complicated in Vista vs XP. I’m actually working on that right now while I type lol, i get bored at work :sleep

the new topic name LOL

XP for the win…