Microsoft Mojave

Thought this was interesting. Anybody see M$'s new multi-million dollar ad-campaign to re-form everyone’s views on Vista?

Good marketing project, nothing more then that.

hahaha thats funny…I use Vista. Its slower then xp with the same memory and processor …But i have no other issues about it. But i upgraded from Home premium on my laptop to ultimate and their was a difference imo…Ultimate imo seems more stable…and havent had any issues with it besides comparable speed to a xp machine.

In early July M$ announced they were spending $300 Million on an ad campaign for Vista. I’m guessing this is just the tip as to what else they’ve got in the works. Honestly, I’d say public opinion is already way too far gone on it, and that money would be best spent elsewhere, but, we’ll see.

Placebo. It’s the same OS.

vista home premium was 32bit and im using the 64bit version of ultimate so a slight diff yes but i have 32 bit version on my beater laptop lol…same thing though on the 32 bit i think its more stable then the home premium


personal belief after using different versions of vista. I think that ultimate is more stable then basic or premium…at least currently…May not be factual but again its my belief.

you clearly have no idea why it is ‘most stable’ but in it’s sheerest form, 64 bit does allow for a much much larger os footprint of paged vs non-paged memory thus making it ‘more stable’… why you would run out of nonpaged pool memory on your machine i don’t know… .sounds like a lack of configuration issue, but if that’s why you were crashing, then sure, 64 bit is ‘more’ stable.

this has to do with x86 and x64 architecture… nothing more, no OS anything, home vs. premium (in m$ world), so do not be confused.

Microsoft marketing is always great. no free tshirt no care :slight_smile:

If they spent 300 million making the fucking product better they wouldn’t have any issues with selling it.

I was pissed; At the Server 2008 Launch, all I got besides software was a lunchbox.

Out of curiosity, what issues do you have with Vista?


too many people believe the mac commercials or the other BS going around and haven’t actually sat down to use the OS…Which this Ad campaign is kinda pointing out. I’m not saying Vista is a perfect product not at all. Its just not as bad as the hype thats going around. Ive used it. Don’t have many issues with it. Yes I prefer XP over it. But that doesn’t mean that Vista in itself is a bad OS. It needs some work to get better. But right now isn’t a piss poor product like the hype is trying to portray. Its a very usable OS.

Out of curiosity, what issues do you have with Vista?

COD4 won’t run on it for more then 5 mins. PunkBuster fails on Vista repeatedly no matter what I try. When playing Counter Strike on my AMD 8400, 3 GB RAM, Nvidia 8200 GT home machine I get 65 FPS with Vista. When playing with XP I get 120.

It’s system requirements are prohibiting for many enterprise environments to buy into yet. It’s default GUI is ugly.

That’s about it I guess. Quite bluntly, I don’t care much, though I did go back to XP at home.

Sounds very similar to my list of complaints. :slight_smile: Along with numerous driver and hardware issues.

Scrap it for WindowsME

Motherfucker this is ONTOPIC… i am really really sick of your dumb one-liner posts… to date, not one has been funny.

seriously stop being an idiot.

Alright alright I am sorry…

But on topic. I have Vista home on the laptop and it’s alright. My only gripe is with the wireless which seems to be a common issue. Sometimes it will connect and a lot of times I get “local only.” As whitey mentioned, sounds like a good marketing ploy, but as blackbelt said, that money could be better spent fixing the little things in the first place.

I hated XP at first but got used to it and liked it…

I hated Vista at first but got used to it and like it…

It seems to be the natural progression of things. For the most part I have not had any problems with Vista that I did not have with XP at first. Even to this day the only real issue I have is that the large color printer at work does not have Vista drivers at all. The only time I have been agitated with Vista’s performance was with a PC with 1gb of memory. I slapped in 4gb for cheap and it runs great now. Even with 64 bit version I use at home I don’t have any compatibility issues.

Apple did do a great job with their own marketing though. They hyped their own product and put down the competitors in one shot. I can’t count how many people have mentioned how they hated Vista based on that commercial without even using it. Of course, these are people who spend more time in front of the TV than a PC - or anything else for that matter.

Well put post… I completely agree and thats basically my feelings to Vista as well and as well to the MAC commercials as i mentioned earlier in another post. And similarly my laptop that I use day to day came with 1GB of ram and Vista Home Premium…And I upgraded to 4GB and Vista Ultimate edition. And it runs great with no compatibility issues so far. I don’t use this laptop for gaming though…

The point i was making is that if Microsoft had spent a little more time and a little more money on Vista(instead of rushing it to market as the tend to do), then they wouldn’t have to spend $300 million trying to convince people that there is nothing wrong with the OS. It’s not that i hate Vista, i just don’t see where it’s that much better than XP , to have to put up with the compatibility issues and it’s hogging of resources. I am not a mac user, and i am not a gamer. I don’t use my PC at home for much more than email and forums. I am more concerned with the PC’s here at work, and i have no intentions of “upgrading” to Vista in the near future. If i did, i would have to upgrade every machine here just to run at an acceptable speed. Not worth it to me.

We loaded a copy of it here on a test machine at work and played with it for about a week…everyone was in agreement…we all hated it. It was slow, there was a definite lack of needed drivers, the interface sucks, it crashed alot, etc. It looks like Microsoft “Dumbed Down” the interface to try and make it more “Mac Like”.

Here is a site with instructions on how to convert Windows Server 2003 to a workstation. I understand there are quite a few folks doing this instead of moving to Vista or sticking with XP. :cool: