Vista Released...

I was just on and saw some Dell deals with Vista Premium as the OS…

So, discuss

w00t prices for computers are gonna go back up

Or you can just stick with XP… cause it does the job just fine and the computers that it needs are cheaper? :slight_smile:

whooptie. the whole world…


id rather build a computer and pirate the software…

i still can’t believe people pay for software

I tried the beta. And all my games ran like shit on it. I’ll try vista again someday when they release a service pack for it. And they will release a service pack… just wait. Anyone know if vista will support more than 3 gigs unlike xp does?

Ram? it supports 4gb. i think vista was some retarded number like 64gb of ram lol

edit: yea here lol

business edition 128gb lol
home premium 16gb

Yes ram. and to your edit. Oh my god.

whooptie, os x has supported > 3gb for… several years at least (too lazy to look it up, I’m a fat lazy mac using hippy evidently). vista is lame, it’s at best a visual rip-off of os x and under-the-hood “rewrite” (hack) of XP, which, while it was a step up from win98 is really just a pretty skin for 2k, the last half-usable business/professional oriented MS OS. everything lately has been marketing/home/pretty fluff, it cracks me up that people say that Apple’s operating systems and computers aren’t “serious enough” or “for business” when, at least in my industry (creative / film / photo / audio / design) EVERYBODY has been and is on the mac…

but i won’t turn this into another mac fanboy rant, I promise, I just find it amusing people are so excited about support for ram as opposed to being frustrated the “old” system never had that support, it’s like you’re spoon-fed a feature here and there to keep you happy.

personally, I just hate the “time to upgrade now” hype behind ALL computer makers and software, it’s like, back when most video editing was hardware related, you didn’t rush out to buy new shit every time someone released a new product, you used what you had until it didn’t do the job either because it wore out or was obsoleted - which was FAR less than the approx 12-18 month cycle in the computing industry. OK, so for Microsoft that cycle is a tad longer lol… Remember when XP was supposed to be released? How about “Windows 97” :smiley:

at the end of the day the disastrous clutter of microsoft os’s both current and “historical” (my friend who does IT still has to deal with win95 legacy machines) only serves to bolster the “cottage industry” of tech support / help desk / IT outsourcing, and is one of those vicious cycle things. the more “new versions” that get released, the more shit breaks or changes, and the more companies pay just to keep computers RUNNING. What happened to the prediction that the personal computer would allow us to get 8 hour work days accomplished in 6???!?!

HAHAHAAH RIiiiiiiiiggggggghht.

What a dumb OS.

The only reason I may install this is if I can get it for $5 through UB and even then I am going to wait for them to patch it up, I am in no rush to get vista because of the annoying problems I had in the beta phase.

Vista has not been released yet. RTM is expected by Nov. 8th. Distribution to Volume License Business customers will happen shortly after. You won’t see it in the retail channels until early January at least. The Dell deal you saw is a free upgrade once Vista is released next year.

way to be ants at a picnic

lol in my line of work, we can fit approx 4 weeks of work into an 8 hour day (if not more) :stuck_out_tongue:

I dont know… I really like vista so far from what I’ve seen, even though it’s still in beta. It has a lot of really nice features IMO that have been long overdue. As soon as DX10 and DX10 hardware/software hits the market, I do plan on building a vista gaming rig :slight_smile:

at the end of the day the disastrous clutter of microsoft os’s both current and “historical” (my friend who does IT still has to deal with win95 legacy machines) only serves to bolster the “cottage industry” of tech support / help desk / IT outsourcing, and is one of those vicious cycle things.
and I’m sure that would be true with OSX/Linux aswell if they were as widely used as Windows (especially since it seems thats a majority of windows users aresnt exactly computer literate lol)

I tried the beta. And all my games ran like shit on it. I’ll try vista again someday when they release a service pack for it. And they will release a service pack… just wait. Anyone know if vista will support more than 3 gigs unlike xp does?

yeah, I had a few working ok, but the majority did have issues (either graphical or speed related)… I’d hope that they’d get that tweaked/fixed by the time it’s released, but with good old M$, ya never know lol

no they come with xp still, you are getting a free vista upgrade coupon when it comes out, you mail it to MS and they give you a copy of the os.

Sorry. Didn’t mean to interrupt the bitch-fest. Carry on…


you’re not getting it any earlier

Caution information below due to boredom… may not be valid information:

Ever read anything about the released source code of Windows 2000? It was extremely well written code. The only bad thing they could find about it was swearing in the comments.

Vista is a completely new OS from the ground up… not a rewrite of XP. They finally got brains and realized they couldn’t pile any more shit into the Win9x code and make it any more worthwhile.

Oh and those OS X owners who rant and rave about the Spotlight search feature… it blows. Try Vistas. My Macbook Pro can’t search half as fast as my Vista machine did.

[valid information]
I have yet to see one benefit of running OS X as my main OS over Windows and this is my 2nd Apple Laptop. I can break OS X just as easily and it boots just as slowly :slight_smile:

Oh wait… one good thing about OS X. They don’t mind if you steal it. Although They’ve had 4 and are on their 5th release of the same OS… so thats kinda like going from '95 to XP.
[/valid information]

Actually, Vista was SUPPOSED to be a new OS from the ground up. They ended up throwing all of that code out and starting over using the Server 2003 SP1 code after M$ went all bananas over security in XP Service Pack 2. Also, WinXP is totally based on NT code. It has nothing from Win9x in it other than backwards compatibility for certain programs that didn’t like NT.

If you’re gonna bitch, at least have your facts straight.

Thats why I said information below might not be valid due to boredom :slight_smile:

Plus it’s just fun bitching at Dave for no reason even if I’m wrong.