I joined a dating website and started talking to Travis

this is my gift to you shawn :hug

The gift that cannot be returned. The gift of FAIL.

no failing on my part. none at all.:thumbup

hey effin, travis just pm’d me saying you sent him noodz

this thread has lost its funniez
lock 1

+1 for newdz.

Arts and artists start with the same letter, just pointing that one out for ya. I think im a bit late though.

True or not she definetly seems like the type to have pics floating around the interwebs, unfortunatly I think Id pay not to see them.

holy shit how did i fgall asleep and miss this thread ,im not reading all of it so i have some questions
did we finally figure out effin is a effffinheffer
trav failed at a dating site
or did i miss moar funiezzzzzzz

bulllll shit!!!

you missed alot more funniez

Alright I’m back guys. No more worrying

missed u lance…dont EVER leave again!!!

She’s hinted that she got hurt in combat(I believe, ive been in a sudafed and nyquil haze the past day). If she did infact lose a leg and this is your way of making fun of her, you are the biggest scum bag in the entire world.

woman arent aloud near combat zones. trust me i have many vet friends that HATE woman in the military that say these things for attention and pity. its fucking pathetic and i’m just happy every time i see one of them engulfed in tears from one of my buddys rants on these attention grabbing bimbos…

cage fighter. but close :rofl + rep auggie

Eh, just going by whats been posted. I know there were hints to her being hurt, pictures of her in a wheel chair looking pretty rough with johnny knoxville in a uso coat, her talking about being in a vehicle being hit by a bomb.

I just think that making fun of someone who got hurt fighting for our country is the ultimate scum bag thing to do. It pales in comparison to his scamming

cuz it was a hopper!

it’s def worth going back and reading… there are some good funniez

Well, that’s not a picture of me… but YES, I did get hurt IN COMBAT. So who ever it was that said women don’t get hurt in combat can suck my asshole. I’ll send you links to video’s and news article’s about me. I got hurt on Thanksgiving Day, 05’. I was in an M114 uparmored vehicled in Southern Baghdad. My driver Marc A. Delgado and Steven C. Reynolds both passed… I was hospitalized for about 18 months. I can give you exact dates, amount of surgeries… I have NOTHING to hide.

Woohoo, yay for you knowing the alphabet. :slight_smile: I was merely making a funny… the thread was boring.

Yup… he definitely is the biggest scum of the earth. If he really wants to bring that shit into play he’s a hell of a lot LOWER than I ever thought he was.

That’s cute… I know you. You’re on my Yahoo and MySpace… Free the West Memphis Three right??? shrugs

NEWSFLASH, women ARE in combat zones doing combat SUPPORT jobs such as communications, and military police officers. My MOS happened to be MILITARY POLICE. I was in the GUN position manning my .50 Cal the day we got hit. You’ll NEVER watch me cry from one of your stupid pathetic buddies PATHETIC rants about how women are over there doing pretty much the same shit they are. I think it’s funny that they can’t handle it. The VERY most reaction you’ll get out of me is a giggle… :retardclap

Have a nice night though.

:slight_smile: If you want to know what happened, I’ll PM it to you, but posting it in general public probably won’t be happening. I truly don’t feel like dealing with the dumbasses who still think that women aren’t over there or if they are, they’re “protected” and never get hurt.