I joined a dating website and started talking to Travis

I don’t even wear pink. lol I own ONE pink shirt, and a black and pink hat that goes with it. I don’t really care for the color pink unless it’s a really really hot pink, or a very pale pink with black and I really REALLY don’t think guys should wear pink (although some can pull it off) let ALONE drive a pink car. Unless they’re a Mary Kay consultant and they’re rocking the pink/opalescent caddy. lol

Unfortuneately said male friend uses pink car to make up for a very very tiny penis.


pretty high standards for someone joining a dating site to meet whoever may be on the internet

wow. guys who wear pink = comfortable with their sexuality and everyone knows Wayne loooves pink :wink:

The pink car was the shit…

Hold one sec there bud, I never said I wouldn’t date you cuz BECAUSE of your metro… I just said I wouldn’t date you.

I’m in first gear my brother.



Pink Cars > MMA

the chick’s with another guy, you dont need to be posting her business, whether she came onto you or not.

fact: everyone on plentyoffish is a fucking loser. srsly.[/quote]

it wasnt recently… this was months ago. she and i are well aware of this. theres no need to get ur panties in a wad over it.[/quote]



dude that was a friggin joke between her and i. im not tryin to get anyone in trouble with their ex’s or current bf’s… she knows it and i know it. dont worry about shit man… just leave it be. ur wayyyyyy too paranoid about that crap.[/quote]

you have a history, it’s not paranoia.[/quote]

and im not trying to throw anyone under the bus. sometimes joking around is just joking fizzle.[/quote]


what a fucking DIPSHIT.

somehow I don’t think any amount of banishment would be beneficial. maybe you just need some more public embarassment?



And FYI, I just cuz I joined a “dating” site to meet people doesn’t mean anything. I was looking to meet new people so when I moved back up here I would have more to do than sitting in front of my computer every night. I NEVER said I choose my boyfriends by what they drive, or what they wear.

why would trav get banned for this thread? I’m confused. SHE POSTED IT.

fizzle u dont even know the 1/2 of it… :rofl

Solid pyramid. The dark skinned Egyptians would be proud.


Did I mention… BTW… that PlentofFish isn’t SPECIFICALLY a dating site, it’s a networking site, and I had it in my profile that I was looking to meet WHOEVER to hang out when I came back to the 518. I had my profile set so guys AND girls could message me and I am VERY straight.

awesome. sheer awesome.

Pink rims though… really? I’d probably have to think twice about it. lol shrugs

:facepalm im not going to get into it any further.

and u drive a mustang… as 88slowmarro says its the easy way of proclaiming to the world your gay without ever speaking a word.