I joined a dating website and started talking to Travis

Are you painting the rims pink this time too???

Sorry, I had to get one LAST comment in before the end of the night. lol

i just might… maybe even the valve cover too.

When we get the car on the lift can i lower it onto the rotors for old times sake??

:rofl :rofl :rofl sorry i had to.

Everyone knows ladies <3 pink rimz


LOL Yeah… on their own car.

:lmao:lmao asshole. if you must…

Fuck that id never put pink rimz on any of my cars.

Me either, and I’d DAMN sure never date a guy with pink rims on his car. lol

aww i was just bout to suggest we hook up ur accord! :cry:

Pink rimz are hot on many manly cars… like MR2’s

you seem to be awfully materialistic.

rofl. petoria in with the funnies

If you were single, you’d date me if I had pink wheels on a Geo Metro.

Just sayin’.

Probably not…

I’ve dated a guy with a whole HOT PINK car… very sexy.

i donno man, i dont think she can handle the banana dong.

Your pathetic if you decide on dating someone by what they drive.

Just sayin.

my namesake KILLIN IT tonight.