I joined a dating website and started talking to Travis

I just heard from a reliable source that you guys bumped uglies. Just sayin. Dont blame the messenger.

you just played the card again…just remember 2 can play your dirty lil “ill tell on you” game… :thumbup

Well its almost 2010, i hope you’ve washed those sheets

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, BUT HE NEVER DENIES BEING A NASTY FUCK… I DON’T CARE IF IT WAS 2007 OR 1997, you were still a nasty fuck and 07’ was only 2 YEARS ago… chances are, you still NASTY.

You’re such a bag of crap Travis. :rofl

ive washed/painted the room, gotten an entirely new bed/sheets/bedroom set… so yes… in a manner of speaking… they’ve been “washed”

she asked I answered… no “ill tell on you” game going on over here travis.


Well, you need to check your “reliable” source again cupcake… I don’t even remember what that skank bag’s pictures look like and I’m HONESTLY not interested in remembering either. lol

Good to see mommys upgrading the place

I am so confused. Did Travis hit that or not?

i posted a pic of me nailin a chick… they picked it apart… wasnt my finest hour. ehh shit happens.


no shawn… i have not slept with or ever hung out with “effing greatness” in person.

Yes. Like an animal.

Huge +rep to anyone who posts a jpg of Failvis’s online dating profile.

NOT… don’t you think he would have bragged about it??

You have a very “loose” definition of chick

Major major rep for anyone posting Travis’s dating profile.

As much fun as I’m having… wasting my energy typing ( and yes I realize it doesn’t take THAT much energy to type… but I think that just adds to my point ) talking shit about Travis… he’s REALLY just not that worth it and I TRULY do not understand why you guys let him on this site if you all KNOW how much of a shit bag, scam artist he is.

With that said… I’m done talking shit TO him, and about him.

or just that of a loose chick

I’m willing to bet I can FIND it and e-mail it to you, but I won’t be posting it myself.