I joined a dating website and started talking to Travis

We are crying over here we are laughing so hard!

Yes, but its more wishful thinking than a line.

I may have to get hella-twisted that night.

That’s cuz you wasted them all on me earlier. lol jk

OMFG I love this thread.

#1 damn you for beating me to the chris joke

#2 al hasan macks it with all the ladies… i did not “mack it” with the “great one”

epic fail. gtfo of my internets.

:rofl :rofl :rofl


Snap! Look who’s fitting in!

Everyone gimme five minutes for something funny, i swear it wont be my cock! hang on!

lies!! JClark has never been with a woman.


HAHA… same here hun



HAHA join the club…

no, see… if you posted your cock, it would be laughable…:rofl

BS… i’m not falling for that again…

she’s doing effingswell!

gtfo loser

neither have you. those were manbearpigs

and that pornstar girl was hideous.

you have not seen all of my ex’s homie…

nor am i about to post pics of them. :shifty


HAHA… Wayne - apparently I am giving cleavage counseling… just received a boobie pic in PM LMAO…

You’re so keen to throw them up I figured you’d only post the best of the bunch, of which included a retarded looking girl with dinnerplate nipples and a future Proactive: Bacne Edition TV model.

who sent boobie pics?!?!?!