I joined a dating website and started talking to Travis

Irony post of the century up in here.

never went to college therefore couldnt fail at it:number1 your logic is flawed!


:rofl ^^^

my head is spinning from the vast amount of irony and i guess i’ll put it as lack of personal acceptance in this thread

(I could post a picture of my gorgeous balls but doesn’t mean I’m the hottest shit walking, same goes for tits in a leather vest)


ahahahaha nice work!

wow really just spent almost a half hour reading this thread…almost shit my self from laughing so hard,

Omfg… Wow. Travis, you dodged bullet with this one. Let me sum shit up real quick, op. You’re fat. When you say dd’s kindly inform them you have deez oprah arms, with deez cellulte legs. Only double d’s you rockin… Wow. Also let people know that if your hipbones were actually visible… You’d be rockin a b cup. Thanks for the entertainment though. Wow… Awful.

ACTUALLY YOU STUPID FUCK… you wanna talk shit, know what’s up. I gained weight cuz I didn’t have a choice. Travis knows what’s up but he was nice enough to keep his fucking mouth shut cuz it’s none of your guys’ BUSINESS.

SECOND off, cupcake, I was a D cup at 160 pounds and 6’ tall. So fuck yourself and your mother. :slight_smile:

Have a nice night, Merry Christmas.

an equation:
6’0" woman = WNBA tall
WNBA = lesbians
lesbian = effingpeachy?

I apologize for my above post. I noticed everyone else in this thread was beating around the bush… OP wasn’t understanding that. I was attempting to follow the trend of “let’s make fun of OP in such a way that anyone but a retard would
understand” but I have a feeling I fell short of that.

160lbs at 6ft MY ASS. You’re a big bitch. You’re easily 200+…

<~~New kid on the block… who the fuck is OP??


Are you REALLY retarded or do you just not know how to comprehend when you read very well??

lol Definitely NOT a lesbian… but thanks. :slight_smile:

yikes…this is good. travis lives on!

Well those flapjacks of fat you call double d’s don’t look anything like a set of double d’s… But I’m used to seeing them on chicks half your size. I mean, I’ve been with some big bitches… But they know their sacks of fat aren’t anything to brag to a forum worth of dudes about.

When giving tit size, circumference of your stomach should be given as well. I don’t care about tits when the stomach sticks out further than the titties do.

i love when bitches say “i got DD’s” yeah well they arent supposed to be lmao