I joined a dating website and started talking to Travis

Talking about things? LOL you are totally not dating that chick…you sir are hifuckinglarious…

P.S. Effingreat they are the downfall of western civ…thats why this is sooooo funny. Fiction mimicking truth

Yes they do and it’s awesome.

Someone find her name and clue her in on this amazing thread and website.

Even cockroaches live to die…

Benny posted her face book

you’ve made this abundantly clear. :thumbup

Working on it…

That girl he’s apparently “talking” to?



I can only watch so much of it before I become angry at the shit hole this country has become. I can not, absolutely not way in hell watch “The Jersey Shore” or “The OC” or any other show that shows off a bunch of spoiled rich ASSHOLE kids who’ve had everything handed to them on a silver fucking spoon and have never actually had to really work for anything in their life.

breathes lol… I’ll be ok… there’s nothing heavy near me to throw.

I know… but I can only watch someone get abused for so long before I start to feel sorry for them, but Travis is making it easier and easier for me to continue to watch him get curb stomped and feel NOTHING. :slight_smile: In fact… the more he types the more I feel the urge to join in on the massacre. lmao

I’m totally with you…I was just using it as an example of what i despise the most in this country…

don’t bother E…

how tall r u?

AND LOVE Johnny Knoxville…

This thread is about to turn even more EPIC!!! I can not wait!

Done and done…

U showing me yours instead? :thumbup

ps:efingreat, i cant see pics here at work unless they are hosted on imageshack. so i will either have to wait to see them or u can always rehost them

You’re at work?! Fucking slacker. lol jk

I don’t know what imageshack is. Is it another photobucket type thing???

I take back EVERYTHING I said earlier about wanting to close this thread now. lol

its easier.

host the pic and it gives u the links to post. its easier than Travis. :eek

thats not possible :shifty