I joined a dating website and started talking to Travis

I hate huge tits. and i know im going to get slack for this but…just saying. 34b is perfect! but i need a nice ass and long nice legs.

Legend has it Dread only dates models

True story

Yeah, Its kind of hard bringing a slam pig back home to mom’s, I can see that

Fuck yourself… really. With a splintery bat and no lube. :slight_smile:

LMAO I thought the same fucking thing. GET OUTTA MY HEAD!

I try not to watch reality television although there are a couple shows I am compelled to watch… I think they’re the downfall of western civilization, or at least the start of it. lol

I’m definitely tall, and I’ve got the long legs and a decent ass… but definitely have huge tits and I’m REALLY not shy about showing them off… your tasts seems to change to suit your needs for the day. :frowning: Hope your needs don’t change (for her sake) from needing a flat chested chic with a nice ass (so you say) and a butter face anytime soon. :slight_smile:


shes cute though man… and E, i think you and i have similar tastes in women … theres more reasoning behind that… but ill just leave this here for now.

That’s alright… I hate huge tits too, my back always hurts and I can’t cross my arms cuz the girls get in the way. lmao

After I got hurt I dropped down to like 120 and was a 34b… I cried.

ok first off u are great!!!

second off, i can see?

pics hosted on imageshack naow!

Word, if someone is showin boobs, im always down to see a pair

If youre talking about the chick you posted pics of she lied to you about have 34B’s

It’s weird… he says he’s in a relationship with this girl, but his facebook says he’s SINGLE. Hmmmmm… either, he’s embarassed by her or he’s fucking lying. :slight_smile: lol

Not a snowballs chances in hell those are b’s

I’ve seen lots of titties in my day

lmao… no

Uh… YEAH, I have pics of me with a 34b and they’re like 20 times the size of that girls mosquito bites.

ok i said “i hate huge tits” when in fact i dont hate, just dont prefer.

we are talking about things right now marissa. i aint married yet.

ok well im here incase u feel the need to show um. :wink:

Me in the hospital at about 120… looking like death with a 34b.

Me a few months later after putting on a few pounds and looking a lot less like death… I think I have a C cup in this pic???

I hate your life… you’re a fucking lying scam artist piece of shit and they only keep you on this site to have something to kick on a daily basis.

lmao there are pictures of me in a low cut shirt on here… 3 of them actually, I caught a lot of shit last night for posting them. lol