I joined a dating website and started talking to Travis

Travis, BTW…you’re giving this girl shit for not liking you? Do i need to pull up the thread where you attack me for saying shit about the NYS trooper who nearly killed an innocent motorist? Where you say I should revere him for going to Iraq and fighting a war I didn’t believe in? I’m an asshole for calling out that reckless individual…you’re calling out a war vet because she wouldn’t fuck you…waiting for it to sink into that fat head of yours…I know everyone here see’s the irony in this…

OH wow, this thread has grown since i went to sleep last night. I approve.

The ironing is clear to me

lol Benny… :slight_smile:

Can we lock this thread now? It’s served it’s purpose… all 50 pages of the shit talking.

None of that. This still needs to go on. Someone needs to wrap this bitch up and put it under my tree


im not giving her shit. i could care less what shes doing or that she has a bf… im not interested. (hence the “do not want” pic)… im seeing someone else and im content/hapy with her… so yeah…

Pics and/or ban or this is just another lie…Not to mention I was talking about your first encounter with her from the dating site…nothing gets by us…srsly.
Fokker out…(and yeah i spelled it that way to be more german) ha!

I don’t recall him ever saying anything about wanting me. I got pissed off that he was talking trash about me wanting HIM… this WHOLE thread got blown WAY the fuck out of proportion. :-\

Oh… well now I kinda feel like a jack ass. lol jk

ask and thou shalt receive…

Isn’t there any way to become UNsubscribed from a thread? lol

the X in the upper right portion of ur screen

No offense to her but she must be an idiot…or she just met you…or you’re trying your absolute best not to show her you’re true nature, but alas! have no fear, you will fuck it up soon enough…


Someone done stole that bitches tittays

known her for ~4yrs. shes well aware of who i am and how i act.

What for? You watch reality t.v. dont you? So whats the difference here? You know it’s a trainwreck cuz it’s travis…and you know some funny shit will probably be said right? So go with it and let your inner child play…LOL

tall, long legs, tight ass… im not a tit man. i much prefer a nice ass than big tits.

Your choice of women is impeccable sir

i aint sayin ive dated a bunch of models… aint a single motherfucker on here that has. and yes ive compromised on my standards more than once or twice. however i have upped my standards and im not looking for some slam pig. time to quit chasin tail and find something worth my time.