Actually I got screwed. Turned out it was a Toy Yoda
Actually I got screwed. Turned out it was a Toy Yoda
Hah! That is a funny one, her, waitressing at Hooters! Nice joke!
Yea, she doesn’t quite seem to meet the requirements fora Hooters waitress.
And no it’s not because she’s not a blonde.
yes gonad, i know exactly what you mean.
i came to that conclusion before i even scrolled down, lol.
man that article is like 3 years old!
i remember my grandpa, of all people, telling me this story originally.
and hey, she could look good in their skin-tight outfits…you don’t HAVE to have huge tits to work there…it’s just a bonus.
*edit i noticed the orsm.net logo at the top. Gonad, do you visit that site or did you find this elsewhere? i’ve been checking that site for nearly 2 years now. :?
looks kinda like a man to me. but hey, a funny story is a funny story.
^^^ Wrong… and…Wrong.
Did you look at her face?
You DO have to have big guns to work there… it’s called Hooter’s!
well tat chick up there def dont got no hooters. and yah… its called hooters not lookers hehe
Why are we posting pics of 12yr old Azns in this tread? :ugh:
i was talking about her face. i dunno, not my type 8)
(she still looks manly to me)
Sorry, I was replying to driftRPS (shoulda quoted)
I’m also curious about the 12 year old azn girl… Is she taken?
j/k lol… but that pic really was out of nowhere.
i can’t believe this has not been locked yet.
well i dunno how many hooters you guys have been to, but i’ve been to a few different ones and not EVERY waitress has massive titties.
This comment was out of nowhere.
Haha! You guys crack me up. Goddayam that asian chick has huge teeth, …for all you cradle robbers, watch out for those choppers and double jointed nasty fingers lol!!!
I`m sure the judge laughed and threw it out of court…if it even made it that far…
You honestly can`t expect a NEW toyota for selling the most beer.
And yes, given her posture…how the hell did she sell the most beer ?
and the asian child was posted b/c?
I go to Hooter’s for the wings. Or at least i used to.
I prefer the breast.