I just yacked

too much info

ahah dude when i had the hangover from hell i was telling you about, i puked for the whole day and i had this peace of chicken or somehting stuck between my nose pasages and my throat or w/e and i could feel it there but couldnt get it out, then like a day or so later i sneezed and it popped out it was fucked up

Lay off the blow. Brah.


never BRAH

I feel your pain! I woke up to myself violently puking Sunday afternoon. Too much Captain FTW!!!

I happen to have a puke story from this past week…

Ate something bad Thursday night, then has some drinks (not too many, maybe 5 or 6 total, I’ve done much more w/o blowing chunks before). Friday morning I felt like shit. Said fuck class n went back to bed. Bout 10am I wake up n know I’m pukin any second now. I bolt out of my room to find my roomate in the bathroom. “Mike, get the fuck outa the bathroom.” “What, you gotta puke?” (Him joking) “Yup!” He fumbled with the lock, got the door open, and I dove (feet off the ground, sorta) toward the bowl as I vomited. Trying my best not to make a mess, sadly, I still plastered half the bathroom. Mike did say it was the most epic projectile vomit he’s ever witnessed though.

holly shit that musta been an EPIC PUKE

CAPTAIN FTW! I can drink literally as much captain as I want and I will never

a. vomit


b. get a hangover

Provided it’s mixed. :ninja

lmfao :lmao

Best puke ever:

Friend’s 21st birthday, ate a whole batch of Orange Bircardi O jello shots. 4 hours later I puked up orange flavored vomit.

lmaooo u mean orange colored vomit? im sure it didnt taste like oranges, probably tasted like battery acid


Usually that’s the case for me but it caught up with a vengeance. Like 5 years of missed hangovers in one…

i have nevr gotten a hangover and ive puked once from drinkin a whole bottle of B.V. in 15 min

well your young ,your day will come

i drink every weekend practically

w/e i dont care your gona get hangovers soon enough, i remember my dumbass friend who never drank in highschool, he started drinking finally in college and hes like

DEE DEE DEE singh i dont get hangovers everrrrrrrrr now the dumbass gets them over 2 beers

the ONLY time ive had a hangover was when tequila + shot of JD +2 coronas was involved. all i remember is the porcelain god 4 hours later after eating tacobell.

It was orange colored too, but at the time…whether if it was cause I had that much jello or I was that drunk, it tasted like orange jello to me.

ahh i guess that makes sense, see my stomach is fucked over i eat so much hot stuff and all that peppers etc its like straight up skin tearing acid everytime

if you haven’t been to the point where you need over 24 hours to get over a hangover then you haven’t tested your limits and you are a vagina.