I think I'm going to die

I just ate Chicken with Garlic sauce.

When i called the fuckers up I told them to make it a little more spicy than usual.

Motherfuckers laced this shit with the tiny little peppers.

I went through like 3 cups of milk, water wasn’t doing it.

Then I forgot : i haven’t had milk in a long time… I’m probably kinda lactose intolerant too.

So :

  1. I have super spicy food in my stomach

  2. I have like, 1 liter of milk in my stomach when I’m lactose intolerant.

  3. The spicy food is CHINESE food too, so I’m just fucked to begin with.

I think my asshole is in for a suprise.

And by suprise, I mean a burning chunky milky surpise

If you do it at work watch out for uncle teds.



ha haaaaaaa

thats balllaaaaaa

awww poor lil fellow

“I go down to the burning ring of fire”

just remember…i will always love you.

i like spicy shit.

so, ummm.

where can i pick up the honda 2000?

It will start with the bubble guts.
Then the hot farts will make an entrance.
You’ll be able to let them pass for a little while but soon it will start feeling like you are shitting your pants.
Then, you get up from your desk running and holding your asshole.
You fumble with the belt buckle while trying to sit down simultaneously.
And to end it off, a nice hot bowl sprayer.

Good luck buddy.

yer looking forward to a Ring Of Fire :slight_smile:

I also realized that I didn’t chew very much near the end, so these little peppers are still in their complete form, causing havok in my small intestine.

I bet you when they touch my poop chute it will burn. Very badly.

sounds like a good meal! lolol


burn in your poo is not a good time :frowning:

Pre-lube the chute with vaseline to minimize the burn…:lol:

Spicy food?

Or sexual habits?

>howies poop stories

howies fart stories = howies poop stories

they’re just ballllaaaaaaaaaaa

Can you get pics or maybe vid with your phone please.

its soo dam hottt…

milk was a bad choice…

what i would do is eat a whole lot of ice cream now and when youre writing in pain on the shitter cuz the peppers are coming out in full force, cheer for the ice cream to come out next. COME ON ICE CREAM!!!