I think I'm going to die

Pics or ban…I wanna see rectal carnage

I will miss you.

They are going to find you like elvis.

This chicken is good, but it is filling.

Just be carefull or it will end up all over the sealing…dont ask me how…it only happend once…


The real question is: will you be posting on forums, sitting on the can, with WiFi? :3


Who needs wifi when you have EVDO?

Oh btw, I still haven’t shat yet.

I’m impressed.

Just remember not to force it…you could blow a ring.

lol… there will be no forcing.

He’ll be lucky if he’s able to clench at all.

Don’t trip on the way to bowl. The second you break concentration…you will be filling up your socks.

Ol’ gravy leg.

So are you lactose intolerant? Or you’ve just not had milk for a while? Those are 2 different things…


This might be one thread that is better off w/out pics…

What stage are you in? bubbling gut? hot really sulfuric farts that will fill a conferance room. the mad dash to the batroom thats always too far away.???

I was wondering when you were gonna make another one of these shitty type posts. You were a bit overdue. Thanks for the latest update.

Bump for Deathwatch.


Sounds like you’re headed towards the mother of all Havana Omelets…

WTF. Not resolving this thread is unacceptable.

I took a shit before I left work.

It was quite normal actually.

However, the shit that I just took … that one wasn’t as pleasant.

And my ass did burn. This second one was quick to compile…

There was less than a minute between initial warning to the dreaded “large intestine internal fart-shift”…

I didn’t need to, but I pushed and water splashed on my taint. But that’s a good thing, you know, at least part of my shit was solid.

Unfortunately I couldn’t say the same for the last half.

The fucking little seeds were floating around… the SEEDS from the fucking peppers…

It started smelling like shit (go figure)

Had to flush it. Needed to flush again - because we had a couple floating particles.

Now, what I wanted to do a long while ago…
