ever eat something so hot, that you caught a buzz?

lol for lunch today I got some Tai food stuff… called kai powy or something lol.

christ… my mouth is still numb and my head feels funny. Dont know what the hell they put in it. I’m sweating and have the shakes

I hope I’m not allergic to something in it

you’re not supposed to snort it…

lol…yeah I have never personally eaten Tai food, but I hear its brutal hot.



hehe…hot food typically KILLS my highs. If I’m about to drive after a long night of partying, I’ll eat a couple chili peppers…and maybe have a couple during the drive just to be safe.

It really depends on your taste. If you get green curry for example its not crazy hot but they can make it hot if you want it.

try the green curry… red or yellow is nothing…

ive heard horseradish was pretty bad

Green is good but panang is the shit!

??? you’ve never had horse radish??? living in buffalo?

dang, you got to get on that stat… mmmmm, roast beef on weck with HR :yum:


Nah it’s pretty mild compared to everything else

have fun in 2 days when it wants to come back out

IIRC, you actually can get a mild high from spicy food. It triggers the release of endorphin’s in your brain or something like that. Really mild, similar to a good workout, but a measurable “high” nonetheless.

It looks lik what your are experiencing is a side effect of capzacin, the chemical in peppers and curry that makes it hot. The initial reaction is a mild to moderate chemical “burn”, this is what we peceive as hot. A side effect that some people encounter is the jittery kind of light headed feeling you are experiencing.

2 days? Damn dude start eating more bran.

So is this Thai food or Tai food? I’m just not familiar with that latter.

Hotness, I’ll have to get some. :tup:
