chinese hot peppers

What are the really hot little red peppers that are in some chinese food called?

I want to make a few things with them in it but dont know what to look for.

BTW the General Tsao’s chicken at Walmart is really good and comes with them.

Google Peppers

every time I google search I get a million pages of complete bullshit and sometimes shit I never wanted to see and wish I could unsee

no… dude, they are called Google Peppers.

Tien Tsin aka Chinese Red Pepper, it’s a kind of chile pepper. Probably either find them in the asian section of a grocery or at one of the local asian marts like Kims.

If PJB is going to a local asian market I’m going with him.

There is definitely some wild stuff in those groceries. Plenty of racism opportunities as well.

I’m gonna have my gopro.

I call shotgun.

I believe they are called ha lo pei ni oh’s

I was thinking I might have to go to a place like that.

I dont care if you go but Im not driving out to East Fuckyourcousin to pick you up

those are green and round. The ones I want are red and long and thin

I cant stop laughing!!!

Man up and just use Habaneros!

I ate a habanero once. I then peed after I thought I washed my hands well enough. Learned that lesson the hard way. Also they burn just as much on the way out.

Are you looking for a Thai pepper?
Like a Cayenne pepper?

I’m not sure if there’s any Indian food places aroun but I think those are used in Curry too.

I have some sort of chinese hot pepper sauce in my fridge. its a red sauce with the picture of a rooster on it. clear bottle and green cap. Im not sure whats in it, but its pretty darn good.



Chickity China the Chinese chicken