Hot Cock Sauce Appreciation Thread (Sriracha ITT)

Never tried it? Go get some, now. Oriental section in WalMart. $3 or so.

Already have some? Go put it on something and post up.

Tried it and didn’t like it? You’re not human and you suck ass.

Tried it and thought it was ‘too spicy’? Grow a set, after you kill yourself for being a pussy.

Tried it and still think Frank’s/Crystal/anything is better? DIAF.

It’s good on literally everything. Even cottage cheese.

i want to try this Benny! I’ll grab it next time i get to wally world

I love hot sauce in my eggs, best shit ever. I’ll have to pick this up.

i never tried pizza with hot sauce. i definitely think its an american thing to do that.

hot sauce on pizza is WIN.

Buffalo chicken pizza ftw

Def will have to pick some up…I put hot sauce on like 75% of the food I eat.

OMG do people actually pay for this??? And the add says its on sale…

Jammer and I had a single drop of something called Devil’s Blood last April and it was one of the most intense and painful experiences ever. I know he tried to find it online with no luck. Anyone?


I DONT KNOW anyone who likes it, besides me, i cant even eat it without !

bennyi’ll put this cock job sauce on my dick and post it up here, u’ll love it i promise, its like one big chilli dog, maybe with cheese

idk that SPECIFIC sauce but i mean u can make sauces like that where its insanely hot with one drop, but i think the flavor matters more, i’de rater have a hot sauce that adds a decent amount of “hot” but more so adds flavor, thats why i love franks and other sauces alike

Try Sriracha, it’s so much better than franks, much more taste.

Love hot sauce on my pizza.

That looks good, I’ll have to check it out. I always use Frank’s.

Im all about wing sauce on pizza

haha I love this stuff…Always been in my fridge since I was a kid… You should try the Chili Paste also just as good tiny bit thicker and red pepper flakes mmmm BUT I use what you are showing more

P.S. after awhile this will thin out your blood making the winter even colder so I no longer use it that much during the winter

^^ this sounds like bullshit…

but yes benny this shit is amazing…


who gives a shit. HUMANS AREN’T COLD BLOODED.