chinese hot peppers

Im pretty sure those are what I want.

Ive tried that Sriracha sauce and I dont like it.

It is pretty fuckin good man. I like it. PJB doesnt.

Cant believe the Doc kept the Faggot that close to the mixing bowl…


Ah yes the Japanese bukkake pepper. I heard it pairs well with a few sausages.

Think about how delicious this stuff is, and then attempt to process the fact that its a cheap generic knockoff of the real stuff, which is borderline life-changing:

Habaneros have decent flavor too, not that hot but they’re good. I’d try one of the Asian supermarkets around, they should definitely have some type of variant of that pepper you’re after.

I’m attempting to grow the current worlds hottest chilli; the Trinidad Moruga Scorpion but its proving to be a bitch with the current weather situation. It’s hotter than police pepper spray and you have to wear latex gloves when you pick them.

damn thats nuts

Thai Hot Pepper

Pjb, will you eat it?

eat what? The hot peppers?

The one jim is growing.

I just wanna hear the audio of when whoever eats that pepper takes a shit.

I dont think Im that brave

I remember the shit I took after eating a whole habanero. Not pleasant. I’d eat 10 of them before I’d poop one out.

Just about every video I’ve watched of someone eating the Moruga Scorpion gets instant hiccups and sweats like a pig.

Puking happens sometimes too:



Now he’ll never eat it. Good job Jim.


I’m going to try one if they grow, one of my friends does chilli cook offs - ill probably give a few to him.

How did I miss this thread :rofl