Gin Gin.

I love this place.

Who wants to do dinner?

Had Mongolian chicken last time sooo good.
Working on eating more than general tso

It used to be a lot better.

When it use to be in the other plaza…?
Yeah, I agree but it is still one of the better places I can find.

I get that shit regularly, its pretty good. Wait times suck so we only call ahead now.

I’ve been going there for years. Was just there last night lolz.

It’s so bad that when I walk in now they know what I want,:meh:

Uncle Johns is very goos as well, just small.

Ya when it was in the corner of that abandoned plaza it was good and cheap. Now its small portions, more expensive, and the quality went down but its still decent.

Another good one is Taste Good on Deleaware and Hertel. You actually have white meat chicken and not that strange grey. Haha

:word: I remember back when Howie turned us all on to that place.

My asian roommate turned me onto it back in college. I loved it and always consistently good. Figured he was from NYC and if he found food in buffalo he said was good, it was pretty credible. Haha


Last time I ate at taste good, I got very sick and the eggroll tasted like the smell of garbage left in a hot garage…
Needless to say I havent returned.

I live right around the corner by Taste Good and I eat there from time to time, but you are trying to compare an apple to an orange.

Gin Gin offers more of a traditional menu, not American Chinese garbage.

oh haii neighbor…

I was just going off the OP of the typical General Tso’s selection from a menu and based it on that. I haven’t gotten anything beyond that at Taste Good but have tried a range of stuff at Gin Gin’s.

American Chinese is the shit. Gin gin has too much unidentified weird shit full of nasty vegetables and weird meat.


It also used to be a lot cheaper. :meh:

Roadkill deer?

I dunno, we made the mistake of letting my roommate’s asian gf order gin gin shit for us once and just said “order some good stuff, we want to try something new.” We ended up with a bunch of shit that looked like trees and nasty meat that was half skin and fat and half bones.

where about are you? Fairchild here

I love weird meat!!! NYC Dim Sum FTW…lolz

check the custom title broseph

gin gin at least feels cleaner than most other Chinese. That and it doesn’t make me shit fire afterwards