Disregard of the anus

Okay So I’ll admit it, I like really hott food, Like so god damn hot you could cook a hogs ass in a spoonfull.
Anyways, I just ate 20 suicide wings with total disregard of my poor butthole.

I chased it with a glass of milk, But I can already feel my insides screaming.
Anything gonna help keep me from singing Johnny Cash later?

Baby wipes.

nothing to do, need to plan better, get a weeks worth of hot shit in all at once. Just deal with your ass exploding for the night.

oh and :tup: to duff’s suicide wings, yummy

I have more problems with milk fuckin up my stomach than spicy food.

If you have yet to try THai or Indian then you have not lived spicy yet :slight_smile:

I eat Thai 1-2x a week and Indian just about every month, and I found that ETS beef and cheese tacos, hot or extra hot, seem to collect concentrated spice at the roof of your sphincter. By the time you shit, it has already burned through a couple layers and it’s time for the ice cubes.