I ate chili for lunch...

at the Tim Horton’s on the corner of Sweethome and Sheridan around 30 minutes after 12 (noon) today, the same one which usually provides me a quick and delicious midday lunch a few times a month. I thought I felt a bit funny as I walked out but proceeded to UB anyways, noticing quite a bit of dizziness during the three minute drive.

I promptly arrived at work to launch my usual afternoon Day of Defeat campaign, but found that I was utterly incapable of even glancing at the display of a first person shooter due to the moving landscape suddenly urging my medulla to suggest to my stomach that it would be a fantastic idea to immediately empty itself. I pounded a Schweppes and soldiered through the rest of the work day, constantly enjoying a game called ‘do not upchuck all over your desk while tackling phone tech support.’

The real punishment began after I arrived at home, but thankfully I had my familiar porcelain throne to get me through the next 5 hours into the night.

Cliffs: Do yourself a favor and do not eat the chili at Tim Horton’s for a couple of days.

Yikes. Same thing happened to me after eating at that new Mexican place that used to be Denny’s at NFB and Sheridan. It’s a shame too because it was delicious, but it was so authentic it came with Montezuma’s revenge. :tdown:

Glad to see that you’re alive and well enough to post. :tup:

chili in the bread bowls they have is awesome.

Was the chili any good?

X… :wink:

I don’t really remember right now. I think it was delicious…

U sure it wasnt those puffed wheats u had for breakfast Zong, lol

hey gayrod, those puffed wheats were served to me by your sister. naked.


hey gayrod, those puffed wheats were served to me by your sister. naked.


LOL, I have a sister? Is her b/f’s name Zing Zong?

glad it all came out in the end.

on a side note, tim ho’s chili in a bread bowl is the shit.


glad it all came out in the end.



I LUVVVVVVVVVVVV Tim Hortons Chili!!!

timmy’s chili with the garlic toast was awesome.Do they still have the garlic toast?

Did it empty out your ass?


Did it empty out your ass?


He even said his anus was bleeding.

Someone post a PS of Thong’s face on tubgirl…

I think I still feel the effects today. I wish I had the time to make them buy my silence for their food poisoning.