Dear Tim Horton,

Is it really necessary to butter the caramel before putting it in the iced cappucino?

Thanks a bunch,

Dear customer,
Tim died in a car crash many years ago.

best drink ever :tup:

Dear Mr. Tim Horton,

Can you please train the associates at the fredonia tim hortons to actually toast the bagels before they give them to me?

They are always so un-toasty.

thank you,


Dear Tim Horton,
can you please start building your resteraunts with bigger corridoors so when the line is incredibly long i dont have to wait 10 min outside in the rain for my saussage egg and cheese brekfast sandwich?



Damnit. When I went to Sears and asked for Bob Vila they told me he quit. :frowning:

It would be better without the butter. Or if they offered it on the side, so I can dip…I like to dip things.

That reminds of me of the Simpsons when they talked about Homer writing to movies instead of movie stars.

“Dear Die Hard,
You rock! Especially the part with the guy on the roof of the building.”

I wrote one to Skittles before.

I don’t like the purple skittles.

so You gladly wait 10 minutes to pay $3 for a shitty breakfast sammich?

When, in reality, You could have spent those ten minutes making 1/2 dozen sammiches, one at a time, for the same cost?

yeah those things are sooooo good

Dear Mr. Horton,

I hate coffee, and you suck.


An Unconcerned Customer

P.S. The donuts do rock though.

i was stuck at work, no car, and i was hungry. and theres a Timmy Ho’s 200 yards across the parking lot from my work. they’re not that bad, better than a McDonnalds Egg McMuffin IMO.

those things are definitely delicious.

Much better than the ones at McDonalds

Tim Hortons is my favorite coffee by far.

his wife sold the business to the wendys corp way before it started making a shitload of money. so the horton family receives no love


now if they sold chocolate milk that would > *


Dear Tim Whoretons,

I love your food,I’ve never gotten sick.Keep up the good work.I am also addicted to your coffee,one time I got a cup of coffee , left it in my car and the following morning I consumed it.I think it still tasted better than a fresh brewed cup of maxwell house.




Budwey’s donuts are cheaper and just as good IMO.

Dear Former Hockey Player,

Your donuts fucking suck something aweful. Please stop selling them so others won’t feel the pain in their stomach and bowels. Thanks.
