On the way to work, what coffee place would you go to?

If you drove down the street and there was one of each, right next to each other, which would you go to if your carpool buddy said “I’ll buy you a coffee”:

  1. Tim Hortons
  2. Dunkin Donuts
  3. Coffee Culture
  4. Starbucks
  5. Spot
    6(admin edit) Fuck coffee! Let’s go get a beer before work!

Just a random poll since today is 25th anniversary Tim Hortons day… figured it fit :slight_smile:


This would be a perfect opportunity for a poll

I was in the middle of it. It posts up and then the poll options come after… kinda weird if you ask me.


Dunkin. Never been to Coffee Culture. No starbucks drive throughs that I know of, and Timmah sucks. I like my coffee how I like my women so I don’t benefit from their cream, which is where they hide the cocain. Plus their lids result in me sloshing coffee all over myself while Dunkin is spill proof.


LOL at the edit. You could have put up Spot while you were at it…

I love the fact that these are all seriously within 1 mile of each other on Main St. in willyville.

I’m with Sideburns on this one.

Starbucks is ridiculously priced for shitty coffee.

If/when Timmy Hos spreads down South and West I think we can say bye bye to Starbucks and rightfully so. Who wants to pay $5 when you can pay $2?

starbucks coffee is delicious but way overpriced. It is definitely a far superior cup of coffee though.

Does timmy hos or dunkin even grind their beans in-house? Last I checked dunkin doesn’t even have a grinder. I doubt tim horton’s does either.

Dunkin FTW because it’s cheap, and tastes pretty decent.

I make at home or once at work… but if I ever do stop, it’s probably timmys, but starbucks is a better cup.

prefer tims to dunkin, DD always tastes burnt to me…

voted for timmy ho’s… but beer is a better answer

Timmy’s, I have one about a 45 second drive from my house. Good prices, good taste.

I like all of the above places and have to make this decision every morning because I pass all of them,tim hortons though because I pass like 4 in a 5 mile commute.Hortons however doesnt have the best breakfast,I’d place them 2nd last in that category.

I wish I still lived by spot!

I’ve only had Timmy Ho’s a few times when I’m home but for some reason their iced coffee always tastes terrible to me. I like their hot coffee though. I <3 DD.