I know I posted this before.... (reset user title)

Could someone reset my user title? It won’t let me do it…

to what?

Just whatever it defaults to is fine. :slight_smile:

no, we can not reset your title. Feel free to do this yourself as a subscribing member :slight_smile:

b0wrofL!!!111 p0Wn3D!

i cant change mine either, it doesnt show up as an option in my setings.
I wanted to change it recently cause i dont like the most recent one i put up,
edit: I no longer have the option to hide, which would have been usefull yesterday when i was getting my ass handed to me… thanks to pewter… :bigthumb:

this has been fixed

Thank you, sir :wink:

Gee, that’s funny, because I’m NOT a subscribing member anymore (no access to the private forums, or the sub-forum of the announcements forum, no avatar, 20 private message limit, I was demoted several months ago), and I have no access to change my user title, it does not appear in my control panel. :rolleyes:


Once you choose the subscription level that best suits you, you will have a few new features added to your account. Your PM Mailbox will be increased, you will be able to interact in our private forums, and you will be able to change your avatar and title!

I don’t need the features, I just want someone to reset my user title since I am unable to… :rolleyes: I mentioned those things because you were somehow under the impression that I was still a subscribing member.

Excellent! have a great day!