I know there is a Black Ops thread but this deserves it own.

Buy a 360 i am almost positive you will enjoy playing games more with Vlad,Cossey, Myself,CorEy and, Mr Ry Woot.

no $$ for 360

THIS. Fun as FUCK. Sell PS3, bux Xbox 360. PROFIT

I will even pay for your first 3 months of XBL.

Put my clutch in, and receive an Xbox? I haz no lift :frowning:

in what?

Sounds like a good deal!

no it doesn’t.


Lol true story, it looks like a bitch.

i know the cobalts are fucking CUNTS to do.

Wayne its a xbox though! Do clutch, receive xbox, sell PSpewp!

A new one and not a refurbed shitbox, even!

7.7 hours book time according to Alldata. No subframe bullshit involved.

7.7. hours for a clutch???

Book time is horse shit, I lol’d when I read the steps involved. My cousin and I are going to fist the shit out of this job ourselves.

Wayne is just scurred that if he got on 360, he’d be shooting blanks when it comes to pwning.


I’m actually fucking HORRIBLE at COD. Ask JVG and Boxersix. Maybe because I’m seconds from rage quitting before the fucking game loads even.

oh snaps