I like cheerleaders....

Was talking to an OSU (Ok st) cheerleader and couldnt pass up the opportunity…




LoL nice, Need better / more pictures.

I have some… but they involve my penis with them… although some of you may want to see that… im not down…

You gotta come down to SA before I leave btw



Sooo…nude pics of said cheerleader? Lol

Yah man let me know when you’re free, I could use a nice weekend there.

Im free every weekend…

Ill actually be in the Houston area next week for turkey day… My sisters parents live in Spring.

I may be brining the lady friend with me so my time will be there and back, but if im solo, ill meet up with ya.

your sister has different parents than you?

Im adopted, and my sister is my natural sister.

So when we were adopted, they split us up because my parents only had a 2 bedroom at the time, and the state of PA wont allow different gender kids to share a bedroom… Even if were blood.

We stayed in contact and saw each other with up until I grad HS, from which her parents moved down here.

So its been a LONG time since ive seen her, I cant wait cause im now an uncle, and I wanna see my lil niece

gotcha, I knew there had to be an interesting answer.

Always is when it comes to me hahaha

That will work, I live 5 minutes from Spring and I’ll be staying down here for the holidays. Keep me informed!

Please tell me your Jeep wasn’t the only one to fondle that pussy.

Nice, hot chick… but I still can’t seem to like the 4 door wranglers.

/\ funny I was just thinking how practical a 4 door would be. I reallly love how your truck has come along.

I wear my sunglasses at night…

wow does everybody’s standards drop because a girl can do I split?


Must have a small dick, can’t think of any other reason you’d be so skurred of posting pictures of it in some slam pig…


That girl might be cute… it’s a night shot with pulled back hair and HUGE glasses… hard to say.