I Like Turtles

just because no one should die before seeing this video.

and im sure most of you have seen this already


son of a bitch its a repost and i cant delete it :frowning:

watch it again

I give you props… turtles are cool with me


haha you caught your own :repost:

for that ill watch it again and laugh again…

http://youtube.com/watch?v=0Rj7RGzBsPk&mode=related&search= OMG this is the best i like turtles vid ever… right around 40 seconds i almost pissed my pants

this is repost worthy.

so good.


http://youtube.com/watch?v=0Rj7RGzBsPk&mode=related&search= OMG this is the best i like turtles vid ever… right around 40 seconds i almost pissed my pants


This video was going nowhere until the turtle started banging the wok!! :lol:

bump for good measure

lol at kings of leon song at the end