… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRNoXjVTJzg&feature=related am i going to hell for laughing at this so much ??
thoughts opinions
omg the one midgets upper body is normal LMFAO!!!
Shit made me laugh pretty good
looks like suiside bombers that only got their legs blown off
his toes arn’t touching the ground when he walks.
reason number #2 why midgets freak me out.
someone posted this awhile back [y]bLyPUlpCuNc[/y]
thats reason #3^
wow that is creepy. kinda makes me want to barf…
i was just like, WTF? and that’s about my thoughts on it
but i would soooo nail some freaky lil’ midget chick. she’s have to be good looking though.
wheres all the drunken midget chicks?
I tryed so hard not to laugh but there was this one part that I just couldn’t hold it in anymore lol!
The one guy is a true midget the other guy must of had his legs blown off and they just reatached his feet (3rd world surgery).
Either way it’s prety safe to say they both have been LOWERD! Pure BODYDROP!