I Miss Greg Johnson

Its ok CKY, shrives only heard about how cool greg was too…

Greg never actually talked to shrives, but one time he waved at him…so he thinks that made them friends.

dont get me started.

Dunno him. Who is he?

greg johnson is how i met all you fuckers in the first place… back when he had the turbo rsx. then i met him at a house party and that race came up

i met him once or twice, brett was talking to me about it last week, lol.



I miss greg, he’s a good guy, I miss andy too…not to hijack this thread :stuck_out_tongue:

Is he the one who was banging out SAK’s cousin Brittany?


he was def banging some crazy bitch named brittany

Haha ok. I know who he is now. I went to school with her. She’s nutty!

awww Greg…and his teg will always be JoestypeS Teg in my eyes


miss greg for sure.

do miss him… he was up here a few weekends ago…

His Teg is someone’s right now…Or stripped… LAWLZZZZZZZZ!!

i liked his 5.0 :gotme:

good OL’ GREG