I need a head stud bolt nut. Its the 12 point design. I need it for a d series … My dumbass cant find the thing to save my life…

Need it ASAP

Call/text 5734757 for fastest response !

facebook confirms that he needs this ASAP PEOPLE!

Facebook confirms Jeff lieks the meat. In his butt. Serious.


i laughed at the title of this post, and then again when i saw who the author was.
any how wish i could help.

I think there is a slim to no chance of you finding one

hahah stfu !!!

ughhh fuckin pissed !. Had them all together and now one is m.i.a

What size is it?

Guess what. I got a set of ARPs lying on my tool bench. Ill do ya a favor and hook a brother up. Hit me up after work I get out at 7.

Headstudboltnutz FTW!

Pending thread size, I have some kicking around the shop too but will be at an RX tomorrow so I won’t be able to get them to you until Mon.

Found it !!!

it was in your pocket the whole time!

haha nope… wedged between the battery and the corner of the bay .

Down by the bay,
Where the watermelon grow,
Back to my home,
I dare not go ♫♪♫♪

for if i do
my mother will say
have you ever seen a whale with a poka dot tale
down by the bay

