I need a cople sound clips

I need a sound clip of someone that is really good at saying SIQQQQQQQQ

I need some disturbed
I need some hardcore 80’s music
I need something that you would associate with BMW

post it NOW

also I am using adobe prrmiere pro. how do I get flashing text on the screen

im really good at saying SIIIIQQQQQQQQQ

come to the ritz and record me?

From West Philladelphia born and raised… with the SIQQQQQNESS


im really good at saying SIIIIQQQQQQQQQ

come to the ritz and record me?


i was going to recommend you.

jam is tits at saying siqqqqqqqq.


im really good at saying SIIIIQQQQQQQQQ

come to the ritz and record me?


we need to meet up then so I can record you then. pm me your number and we can meet up.

in my search for 80’s music I came across this comical video http://youtube.com/watch?v=BaeNelsAOGo

wow how music has changed.

fine if nobody wants to help i’m going to drive around and get people to say siqqqQQQQQQ.