I present Pittspeed with the most hilarious bit of satire I've ever seen.

Stephen Colbert at the White House Correspondents dinner. Colbert busting on Bush HARD, while him and his wife are sitting 2 placesettings away from him. OMG, i’m literally crying right now. Its so harsh and demeaning, he completely tears Bush to pieces. Straight up humiliating him. Busts on the Chinese Ambassador, Dick Cheney, Antoin Scallia, John McCaiin…

by far the most well executed piece of satire I’ve ever seen. Just flawless. The way he engages him is hilarious. You must watch this.

Part A:

Part B:

Part C:

Reaction shot of Bush while he watches the video ( :kekegay: ):

Tucker Carlson’s review of the Colbert bit :bowrofl: this is precious. Gotta love the liberal media.

Colbert on Letterman discussing the dinner:

This man is my new hero.

wow…he really spares no one

darkstart should be tried for treason



I’d like that 30 minutes of my life back now. I kept waiting for the funny, and was robbed.

you’ve been robbed of so much more if you couldn’t find the funny in that.

your an idiot, do the pittspeed world a favor and dont ever post again :finger:

YOU’RE a faggot.

Here we go with the e-fighting again. No thread around here seems to last more than like 2 posts without it. What the hell did everyone do to each other?

Hello, and welcome to Pittspeed.com



I know, but seriously dude, everyone needs to chill a little. E-thugging is teh ghey.


saying anything is “teh ghey” is teh ghey.

lol we should have a backyard brawl somewhere

Yup, so i watched it again. Still not that funny. Its too bad Colbert didnt have the balls to really go after him.

mock comedians are beat at best.

subscribed to watch it later when I have some audio.