I Promised Part 4. Here it is. :)

That’s all that needs to be said at this point, let the child have his attention.

wow $$ lost.

The only thing I can criticize you for, is spending mod money on a tattoo :rofl:

Otherwise, if you like it, keep on going until you’re happy with it :tup:

dude, WTF man.

i knew i shoulda opted for the tribal :bloated:

well, you seem to have her frame.

There’s definitely something funky about saying “new school” tattoos…
they’re not always going to be new… and it sounds like you’re saying that you like to put what’s “in” right now on your body.

that’s crazy. don’t you think in a few years you’re gonna say… “why did I permanently tattoo PLUGS on my stomach… Holy shit, what was I thinking, they’re are so not IN anymore.”

^^ haha

Well, as I have said before, if you like it then that is all that really matters.

I honestly thought someone took a dump on your stomach at first when i scrolled through the pics.

I think one day you will be embarrassed of what youve done. Just my opinion, keep on goin, your justifications and explanations of it all keeps me very entertained :tup:

whats in. are you serious. whats in this summer is the color white. not tattoos.

but whatever floats your boat

and I don’t care what you say, the one on your stomach is crooked.

pffft didn’t u know, its pink popped collar shirts, so this had to match! d’uh!

Listen, I’m glad you think it’s cool, because you have to live with it, but holy shit dude.

If you think getting ink done on these areas hurts right now, wait until a laser is burning it all off in 10 years :lolham:

Hope You enjoy it,

That is all.


it certainly is

Well at least your tattoo will always remind you to keep out of trouble.I dont think it would go over too well in the slammer LOL.


wow… damn dude wtf…

got a dick tatood on your ass with a cross threw it (like the no smoking sign with a dick instead iof a cigg)

i’m actually pretty impressed with the whole thing.

… i don’t know how the artist can keep straight lines while laughing. Sorry, i don’t have the ability to read deep into things, i just don’t get it.

3 roses? that’s a lot of flowers.

Buy two and you get one free maybe??