I Promised Part 4. Here it is. :)

i know you probably like the attention but maybe one day soon you will realize its all negative. There are many cool tats you can get. I think your choice was terrible. Laser that shit off and start over. It looks really bad dude.

I saw it last night in person. It is real.

Beck…like I said, you just need a tribal to finish it all off… :lol:

Oh and what’s with the Epiphone ??? I got a real Les Paul if you want to buy it.

You. Are. Crazy.

As long as you realize it’s you that is going to have to live with it…

if you get a dick going into the pin-ups mouths as your next add-on, that would be cool.


im speechless…

I want you hitting every piece of ass you can rin the next 10 years…post up pics of the ass…cause your gonna get tons of it…then you’ll hit your late 20’s early 30’s and say good bye to your ass…but at least you’ll have pics and memories


Its conversations like this that made me drop out of Art as a career… I always found my self wondering how I got into a conversation like that everytime I was in one… and then my eyes wandered out the window to that SQUIRRel… OH man, look how bushy his tail is… he’s not gonna eat that acorn, look how big it is… OH NO… HE’s gonna do it… hahahaha… stupid squirrel

what we’re we talking about again?

lol…it still makes me laugh to see that some people seem pissed off about this…LOL…again…who gives a shit…it’s nor ur body…so let beck do what he wants to do. It’s funny cause most of you don’t even know the kid in person…for those of you that do know him…then you probably understand the reason he got the tattoo…

whatever tribal boi

Skunk… do you have one of these on your belly?


oh shut it little one :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m starting to rethink my Twisted Sister tatoo.:mad:

thanks aarononnnon

i do notice that now, that u brought it up last night.

everyone thats talking shit…doesnt know me.

newman said it aswell did a few others. very few people can pull this tattoo off, and i am one of them. i have been told that by many many many many people, pretyt much everyone that knows me likes it, even my own family.

so please refrain from making fun of people we dont know :slight_smile:

but i guess when you spend your life on a forum, and you judge people on what they drive, you dont really want to get to know them

if i had the fastest car on this board or was an OG member…no one would be talking shit.

Umm sorry but if howie or Lafengas ,for two examples, got something ridculous done to themselves I would tell them the same thing.

I don’t need to “know” you per se. You posts under Illero on the other board and your current ones here on this board help me to formulate an opinion about you.

honestly man… I dont care…

But you gotta expect this shit, part of me thinks you want to get this reaction anyways. So play on playa.

so your gay?

Thats the only reason I can think of that this tatoo “fits you”. Otherwise its bullshit. I will say it again… I’ve already met you. I think your a decent kid. But I think you make dumbass decisions like this and expect attention (which you get) and 98% of it is negative. I don’t give a shit who had it, if it was my brother I would call him on it. Its a fucking stupid idea. It doesn’t fit anyone, unless they are homosexual and think that bitches ain’t shit. Or if they like roses, blow up dolls, electrical appliances, and headphones.

Its a fucking gay tatoo… thats all there really is to it. Fastforward a couple years and the 18 yr olds aren’t interested in a 25 yr old with no life… and a gay tatoo on his stomach will your friends still think it fits you? Bitches aint shit anymore cause your 25-30 looking for a decent girl to settle down with (if your dick is still attached) and your going to have this tatoo on your stomach (which hopefully in a couple years won’t look like a 12yr old little girls)

“Its a mix of old school and new school” which in 2 months will be a combination of old school and middle school. Middle school is where you go girl shopping, and they don’t know how to decipher your tat. Cause there is a hidden message in the drawings on your stomach… a hidden message high schoolers are supposed to understand, but only if they are friends or family… and only if they know what old school and new school tatoos are, and that you have a little of each on your body.

I’m bored at work

I Like it. Don’t stop now, keep going


I still don’t care for the tattoo although the work is very good. But I did change my sig. To each his own. We can agree to disagree.

Oh and never, and I mean never send me a PM with the title of “YOU SUCK U PEICE OF SHIT”… lol …that was some funny shit…