I Promised Part 4. Here it is. :)

jesus. that’s a lot of flaming. it’s not what i would get personally, just not my style. but it’s good work, and it’s original. if it has meaning to you, you like it, and you’re happy with it, fuck the haters. they aren’t the one stuck with it on their bodies. i know you real well and i know you’re not a stupid person, so it’s not like you don’t know the consequences of your unique tattoos. :tup: beck. do your thing.

^^^…not that is a normal response…why can’t they all be like this…lol

why can’t beck be like all of us and keep his gay tatoos off the net?

he made a part 4 for us to bash. Did he think the addition of plugs and more flowers was going to make us (the majority) like his POS tatoo?

BTW - I like the new sig… very spiffy.

You also missed out on a super cruise…
Beck should come to Taffys next week so we can see it in person. Then everyone will like him, and say that tat fits him perfectly.



Don’t make Juiced SS Bitch Slap someone again!!!


ok well i think they are alright looking beck… i like the plug idea its awesome… he is a good kid too… so yeah beck your alright in my book :slight_smile:



the dumbness of the tattoo aside… as a designer/artist, I think the quality of the art, and the design (or lack of) is mediocre at best. I actually expected something a lot nicer.

Those darn gays. I propose that we all hold an emergency mass and pray.


annnd retarded…

Why the hell would you post on a public forum if you’re going to say ‘you don’t know me’ well no shit, its a fucking online forum, perhaps you should use the PM function from now on about your silly cries for attention…

And if you had the fastest car AND you were an OG member on here, if you had a big hairy dick airbrushed on your maddD fast ride and came on here for acceptance people would still tell you you’re an idiot…

It’s not so much that you had it put on your body… that only makes you a moron… its the fact you need to get acceptance and attention or whatever you want to call it from the internet… which would make you a moron that is begging for acceptance and attention… and now that i think of it… any car i see completely riced out would fit in that same category… only they are a lesser moron because its not permanent

well the work on the tattoo is good, don’t think i’d rock the same thing, but if you like it thats all that really matters…to each his own :tup:

That sums it up right there.

I still give you the :tup: for having the balls to do it man.

I doubt it, people would just say holy shit that car is fast. Who drives it? Then everyone would say, “that dumbass with the ghey tattoo’s on his stomach.”

lol true story ^^

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.

Sure you can say it fits you now, but if you think you will be the same person you are right now, even 5 years from now, then you are in for a biiiiiig surprise.

I can’t wait for the 10 year reunion.


word… i have pretty much the same feeling as everyone else
if you get a tattoo it should have meaning, not because its about style. style comes and goes
i have 1 tattoo so far… my 3 brothers and i each got it, we designed it plus theres some indiviualty in each of ours (different colors and places)
no matter how far down the road it will still have meaning… and i’ll never have to think twice about having it done

at least you had yours done where it can be covered up by clothes
