Haha, I just got back from taking two midterms… my brain is shot! My bad. :spank: :doh:
Haha, I just got back from taking two midterms… my brain is shot! My bad. :spank: :doh:
its cool been there done that. hope they went well.
you got beat bye a v6 mustang drop top
you got beat bye a v6 mustang
it wasnt a beat it was a run damn even with about a foot pull on him. when his monte was missing on top end.
but i must say
v6 stang > g-body
you mean his dads car
i never said it was his or his dads i said he got the buick.
mac + cutty = :love:
Mac + * = :love: except blue and 1sloshelby
its not my dads car you cunt mother fucker, my dad had his car out last night. Roadrunner= his, Gs=mine. v6 or not you are talkin about years of technology on my smogged out g-body with an exhaust leak.
then why isnt it in your name…maybe it is time to get your mouth off your moms tittie
don’t make me pull a deck a cards about you. its dumb for me to have cars in my name till i turn 25.
:blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah:
my truck is in my name its pointless to pay 2500 bucs a year on my truck when i can pay 700 a year
eather the tequila is kickin in or, you lost me with that one
slowmaro asked why cuttys car was in his parents name and i said the above statement because i have my truck in my parents name so i dont have to pay 2500 bucs in insurance each year.
do you understand now sir?
I thought thats what you were tryin to say^ up there. wording just a little off, made my head hurt. …Cantera- 100% De Agave
well, it would have been much more clear if your would have worded it correctly, instead of doing the exact opposite.
re-read your post. :doh:
i make $8.25 an hour, thats why i still live at home and i’m 24. What’s ur excuse???
ewwww looks like the slow vs cutty drama is starting to boil… :hsdance: