I want to go on a roadtrip...

To Dave’s Farm.


have to put the cood’s into yahoo maps
43.221562, -81.454934


That is all.

count me in

Fuck it Im in

That places looks awesome. Seen a couple vids on youtube of the Redneck Rollercoaster.

Yinz see the video of them jumping the civic? :rofl:

vtec FTW. That’s what honda’s are for!

theres one of them jumping a motorhome

whats up with the random girls ?

does it matter? :wink:

and the award for the least heterosexual comment made goes to…

hahahaha i was just suprised ! Im not hatinng ! the big titty blond is nice :slight_smile:

I’m drunk,but the trucks fueled up & ready to roll!

I’M IN I got more beer

I got dibbs on the blonde